Chuck Norris API

The Chuck Norris API is a public API that provides access to a database of Chuck Norris jokes. It is available at In this blog post, we will explore some example JavaScript code for using this API.

Getting a Random Joke

To get a random Chuck Norris joke, we can use the following JavaScript code:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {

This code makes a fetch request to the URL and gets a JSON response. We then extract the joke text from the response and log it to the console.

Getting a Categorized Joke

If we want to get a Chuck Norris joke that is categorized, we can use the following JavaScript code:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {

This code makes a fetch request to the URL, which gets a random joke related to the category specified in the category parameter. In this example, we are requesting a joke about development (dev).

Searching for Jokes

To search for Chuck Norris jokes, we can use the following JavaScript code:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {

This code makes a fetch request to the URL, which searches for jokes that contain the word "computer". The data.result array contains the results of the search, and we extract the first joke from the array.


The Chuck Norris API is a fun and easy-to-use API for getting Chuck Norris jokes. With the example JavaScript code in this blog post, you can easily get a random joke, a categorized joke, or search for jokes containing specific keywords. Give it a try and have some laughs!

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